Eurodollar University’s Making MORE Sense; Episode 92: Frontline’s ‘Power of The Fed’ Would’ve Been Powerful Criticism Had It Not Blindly Swallowed ‘Easy Money’

92.0: What FRONTLINE got SO wrong about the Fed LIVE! ———Ep 92.0 Summary———FRONTLINE critiques the Fed for showering #BigBanks, #BigBusiness and #WallStreet with easy money, which reached neither the real #economy nor the vast majority of Americans. Yes to the latter, but no-no-no-no to the former. We did a 95-minute review of this episode and explain why the Fed is … Continue reading Eurodollar University’s Making MORE Sense; Episode 92: Frontline’s ‘Power of The Fed’ Would’ve Been Powerful Criticism Had It Not Blindly Swallowed ‘Easy Money’