
That Escalated Quickly (In Rumors)

By |2017-03-02T17:55:03-05:00March 2nd, 2017|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

I honestly don’t know how much clearer it could possibly get. The mainstream continues to struggle to identify the causes of the “rising dollar” when in all cases it is decidedly simple. The more the dollar goes up, the more whatever counterparty country is paying for those dollars. The entire world is in a synthetic short position created decades ago, [...]

Time To Add Mexico?

By |2017-02-23T18:20:50-05:00February 23rd, 2017|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Is Mexico about to go down the same road as China, Brazil, and so many others have the past few years? The more interesting question may be what took so long, if they are. Mexico’s central bank has been forced into action again, after interjecting itself last month supplying dollars directly to Mexican banks, as well as the same in [...]

The Very Important Task Of Trying To Figure Out What Happened In The Middle

By |2017-02-08T18:09:31-05:00February 8th, 2017|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The whole point of any “stimulus” is to buy time. The idea is to keep the economy busy or, in the case of more purely monetary policy, happy during that time so that the economy on the demand side can on its own heal. In the parlance of orthodox economics, “stimulus” reduces the output gap, the difference between current output [...]

Some South American Chapters of the Ongoing ‘Dollar’ Epic

By |2016-08-19T17:47:16-04:00August 19th, 2016|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

In April 2009, the new Obama administration created somewhat of a political controversy when it was originally reported by the Wall Street Journal that the US was providing $2 billion or more to fund offshore drilling – in Brazil. To many on the “right”, that seemed quite hypocritical given the public stance on all things oil. My interest is entirely [...]

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