
Brief Summary Of Where Things Stand Getting Closer to Q4

By |2020-09-24T20:25:50-04:00September 24th, 2020|Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Flash PMI’s for September 2020 around the world add more evidence to the possibility of a global slowdown during the economy’s all-important rebound quarter. Q2 was the big downturn, and so it always going to be Q3 where the bounce back would be sharpest. While that has definitely been the case, concerns are mounting for what might follow in Q4. [...]

The Contingent Hole In China’s Brazil Dollar Strategy

By |2020-09-11T17:35:20-04:00September 11th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The Brazil strategy isn’t, of course, truly Brazilian. Like the Spanish flu which became famous for where it was first noticed and reported rather than where it originated, this monetary policy was thought up elsewhere and Banco do Brasil is merely the central bank which decided it was worth sharing.What is this Brazil (my term, by the way) policy? “Contingent [...]

OMG The Dollar!!!

By |2020-07-29T17:37:12-04:00July 29th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The way you hear it nowadays, the dollar just can’t catch a break. If it’s not a load of “V’s” indicated by some obscure data point (like the otherworldly spike in US home ownership levels), then it is Jay Powell who is clearly gunning for the US currency. He can’t kill it fast enough, having had more than enough of [...]

Three Quarters of a Trillion In Three Weeks, And Bill Yields Are Down Again

By |2020-04-16T18:48:03-04:00April 16th, 2020|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Hold all the congratulations. Jay Powell is, with a huge assist from the financial media, trying to pre-empt what comes next by taking a premature victory lap. The Fed isn’t just your central bank it is your friend. The amount of pure propaganda being put out lately is understandable if still disgusting. March was a good month to include [...]

Is GFC2 Over?

By |2020-03-17T19:47:28-04:00March 17th, 2020|Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets, Stocks|

Is it over? That’s the question everyone is asking about both major crises, the answer is more obvious for only the one. As it pertains to the pandemic, no, it is not. Still the early stages. The other crisis, the global dollar run? Not looking like it, either. Stocks rebounded because of “major helicopter stimulus” or because that’s just what [...]

At The Worst Times, The Dollar Goes Down When It Goes Up

By |2020-03-09T18:57:31-04:00March 9th, 2020|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Is the dollar rising, or falling? Does it matter? In one sense, obviously it does. The way in which the dollar behaves dictates how everything else goes. The potential mix-up and confusion start when we have to define exactly what we mean by “dollar.” Or rising. The rising dollar doesn’t always rise. If we are talking about the US currency’s [...]

You Shouldn’t Miss The Cupom

By |2020-02-13T18:56:52-05:00February 13th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

I actually wanted to focus on this yesterday but confirmation wasn’t forthcoming until today. So, it ended up being a broader note on the dollar which only included some mention of Brazil in passing. Still a worthwhile couple of minutes. There were rumors that Banco (central) do Brasil was intervening or was going to intervene in its local currency markets, [...]

The Dollar’s Demise And All That

By |2020-02-12T19:51:00-05:00February 12th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Back last June, the dollar had broken its upswing. DXY, one major dollar index, had fallen sharply as had most if not all of the rest. This one had given up most of its “gains” in a relatively short period. That said, to some, the greenback had definitely hit its high. All downhill from there. It didn’t help, supposedly, that [...]


By |2018-10-29T18:42:55-04:00October 29th, 2018|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The word contagion is easy enough to understand. Whether the spread of disease or disaster, sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to contain. In financial terms, contagion is often thought of along the lines of 2011; Greece started it and it spread throughout the rest of Southern Europe. The euro was coming apart, and what “it” was didn’t seem [...]

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