Research we follow is showing that the Fed is reaching a point where employment gaps have closed and output gaps are closing. By not raising rates soon, they risk falling behind the eight ball and over-stimulating the economy.


fed monetary guage


Deviation from the Taylor Rule is large.


deviation from taylor rule


Hosing Prices inflation indicate that rates are too low.


housing prices say raise rates


The Government is now adding to growth.


gov is stimulative now


The drop in oil prices means we spend 2% less of GDP on oil as we did from 2010-2014. This affects inflation statistics and growth statistics but is not a negative. Once the bar is set lower on oil, we will get the real picture of what is going on in the economy.




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For information on Alhambra Investment Partners’ money management services and global portfolio approach, Douglas R. Terry, CFA is reachable at:

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