






[Emil’s Summary] On September 21, 1897 the The Sun, a newspaper out of New York, printed an editorial in response to a letter from eight-year old Virginia O’Hanlon. “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus,” came the reply. In that tradition, Making Sense presents episode eight, in which we answer your questions.

Will unlimited dollar swaps by the Federal Reserve solve the dollar shortage? How does collateral shortage in the repo market affect, for example, equities? Why does the gold price plunges when there are collateral fails in the repo market? Does re-pledging and/or re-hypothecation take place in the repo market? If there’s liquidity crisis, why do corporations get such cheap loans still? Interest rate swaps go negative; what does it mean? Why aren’t bank reserves useful to the monetary system? Why does a financial entity sell cash to buy a Treasury to put it up as collateral to get cash; wut? What is an individual to do in this chaos? Does stress in the interbank markets reach the real economy and if so, how? What is your definition of inflation and does asset inflation factor in?

Sadly, we did not get to each inquiry. Also, some did not really pose questions but took the opportunity to send death threats and ransom notes; we love the passion! (But yes, we didn’t get to those either.) However, please continue asking questions on Twitter and YouTube, and if we – or someone from the community – don’t answer there, we hope to do so on a future show. Jeff Snider, Head of Global Research at Alhambra Investments with Emil Kalinowski, professional gentleman of leisure. Artwork by David Parkins, paintbrush performance artist.