88.3 PMIs: The Economy’s Forward Looking Indicators

———Ep 88.3 Summary———
A review of US, Chinese and global purchasing manager indices for manufacturing and services shows just a few too many “not great” readings. Not necessarily bad but within the context of HUGE ‘money printing’ and GIGA deficit blowouts shouldn’t the economy be rip-roaring?

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/EmilKalinowski
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Emil YouTube: https://bit.ly/310yisL
Art: https://davidparkins.com/

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———Ep 88.3 Topics———

00:00 Institute for Supply Management purchasing manager indices showed bad employment news.
02:27 Purchasing Manager Indices are a forward looking indicator for manufacturing and services.
05:10 Services and Manufacturing employment readings were below 50 (Household Survey confirmed?)
07:17 The ISM data does not mean recession… it means something worse: stagnation.
09:09 Was our stagnation was caused by Trump and Covid? Or was it in place since 2007-09?
13:26 Inflation is not the same thing as a sharp, monetary/fiscal price deviation.
15:13 US inflation is higher than normal but the rest of the world is not reporting the same.
16:24 China’s PMI readings are lackluster.
18:34 Global PMI review of manufacturing and services is a positive, if mixed bag.
20:40 A summary of Episode 88.

———Ep 88.3 References———

ISM’s Nasty Little Surprise Isn’t Actually A Surprise: https://bit.ly/3k2Y1LU
Alhambra Investments Blog: https://bit.ly/2VIC2wW
RealClear Markets Essays: https://bit.ly/38tL5a7


Jeff Snider, Head of Global Investment Research for Alhambra Investments and Emil Kalinowski. Art by David Parkins. Podcast intro/outro is “Cupcake Delivery” by Dylan Sitts from Epidemic Sound.