Taxes/Fiscal Policy

Weekly Market Pulse: No One Said This Was Easy

By |2022-06-13T13:37:04-04:00June 12th, 2022|Alhambra Portfolios, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets, Stocks, Taxes/Fiscal Policy|

Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. Warren Buffett People are always asking me where's the outlook good, but that's the wrong question. The right question is: Where is the outlook the most miserable? Sir John Templeton, The Principle of Maximum Pessimism I don't know if we're at the point of maximum pessimism yet but [...]

Weekly Market Pulse: Discounting The Future

By |2021-12-06T07:43:14-05:00December 5th, 2021|Alhambra Portfolios, Alhambra Research, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets, Real Estate, Stocks, Taxes/Fiscal Policy|

The economic news recently has been better than expected and in most cases just pretty darn good. That isn't true on a global basis, as Europe continues to experience a pretty sluggish recovery from COVID. And China is busy shooting itself in the foot as Xi pursues the re-Maoing of Chinese society, damn the economic costs. But here in the [...]

2022 401(k) and IRA Contribution Limits

By |2021-11-11T11:44:34-05:00November 11th, 2021|Financial Planning, Retirement, Taxes/Fiscal Policy|

The maximum contribution limits to tax-deferred savings accounts have been set for 2022. You can put more into employer-sponsored plans, but not individual accounts. IRA contribution limits, whether Traditional or Roth, will remain the same as it has been since 2019. You can contribute $6,000 and if you are age 50 or higher, you can make a $1,000 catch-up contribution. [...]


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