Market Currents – Market Volatility
It’s a bear market and you expect to have volatility, but volatility is trending even higher. Steve Brennan talks with Doug Terry, Head of Alhambra Research about what factors may push the volatility envelope.
It’s a bear market and you expect to have volatility, but volatility is trending even higher. Steve Brennan talks with Doug Terry, Head of Alhambra Research about what factors may push the volatility envelope.
Is the Fed Changing its mind about hike, hike, hike? Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun talks about the latest Fed headline, as well as a full slate of economic news this week and the inversion of the 10/3 yield curve.
With inflation recently hitting a high not seen since 1981, it is now apparent that the factors that drove the disinflation trend of the last four decades are coming to an end. Globalization and demographics, the two big factors that combined to hold down prices and wages for so long, are reversing, and so too is the downtrend in prices, wages, [...]
Did Jerome Powell blink last Friday? It was just before the market open Friday and interest rates were jumping higher, as they had all week. The 10-year Treasury yield was up to 4.33%, another 11 basis points higher than the previous close and 32 basis points higher than the previous week's close. Then, "the article" hit the front page of [...]
The Federal Reserve is making the same mistakes of the 1970s, rapid hikes which could lead to rapid decreases, which could lead to the same, painful results. Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun explains.
Who caused today's high inflation? Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun unmasks those responsible and talks about how it can be fixed.
The Federal Reserve seems confused about its role in inflation and unemployment. Alhambra's Steve Brennan and Joe Calhoun discuss it.
With inflation recently hitting a high not seen since 1981, it is now apparent that the factors that drove the disinflation trend of the last four decades are coming to an end. Globalization and demographics, the two big factors that combined to hold down prices and wages for so long, are reversing, and so too is the downtrend in prices, wages, [...]
Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun discusses the crazy volatility in last week's stock market and bond market, and whether the Fed will get involved.
Markets were rather volatile last week. That's a wild understatement and what passes for sarcasm in the investment business. Stocks started the week waiting with bated (baited?) breath for the inflation reports of the week. It isn't surprising that the market is focused firmly on the rearview mirror for clues about the future since Jerome Powell has made it plain [...]
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