oil prices

How Can A CPI Now Above Six Price Like This?

By |2021-11-10T17:51:53-05:00November 10th, 2021|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The BLS said today its Consumer Price Index rose by 6.2% in October 2021 when compared to October 2020. This was the largest annual increase since Alan Greenspan was giving up on M2 three decades ago. Perhaps most concerning, after having taken a few months “off” prices re-accelerated last month reigniting fears of a 70s-style monetary runaway.But, as we saw [...]

Short Run TIPS, LT Flat, Basically Awful Real(ity)

By |2021-10-27T20:33:22-04:00October 27th, 2021|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Over the past week and a half, Treasury has rolled out the CMB’s (cash management bills; like Treasury bills, special issues not otherwise part of the regular debt rotation) one after another: $60 billion 40-day on the 19th; $60 billion 27-day on the 20th; and $40 billion 48-day just yesterday. Treasury also snuck $60 billion of 39-day CMB’s into the [...]

Perfect Time To Review What Is, And What Is Not, Inflation (and why it matters so much)

By |2021-10-13T17:23:26-04:00October 13th, 2021|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

It is costing more to live and be, so naturally people are looking for who it is they need to blame. Maybe figure out some way to stop it. You know and feel for the basics since everyone’s perceptions begin with costs of just living. This is what makes the subject of inflation so difficult, even more so in the [...]

Weekly Market Pulse: Zooming Out

By |2021-10-04T07:35:32-04:00October 3rd, 2021|Alhambra Research, Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Markets, Real Estate, Stocks|

How often do you check your brokerage account? There is a famous economics paper from 1997, written by some of the giants in behavioral finance (Thaler, Kahnemann, Tversky & Schwartz), that tested what is known as myopic loss aversion. What they found was that investors who check their performance less frequently are more willing to take risk and experience higher [...]

FOMC Statement Makes A Statement Without Really Knowing It

By |2021-03-17T18:57:56-04:00March 17th, 2021|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Oh, the irony. Recall Janet Yellen’s plight, circa early 2015. Oil prices were “unexpectedly” crashing raining on her recovery-like parade. The Federal Reserve, Yellen as its Chairman, was about to embark on an ambitious program of regular every-meeting rate hikes to head off, its models assumed, the coming inflationary bump which was to confirm full if belated monetary policy success. [...]

TIPS Tipping Over, But Not That Way

By |2021-03-04T19:45:37-05:00March 4th, 2021|Bonds, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

There is precedence for this, though not to this extent; it has reached a record. And when it happened before, oil prices were right in the middle of it, too. The 5-year TIPS breakeven rate has surged to equal its highest in a very long time. Considered by many evidence for an inflationary breakout – these are inflation breakevens, after [...]

Inflation, Reflation, Or Something Else?

By |2021-01-04T19:25:12-05:00January 4th, 2021|Bonds, Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Is there a difference between inflation or reflation, and whatever this is? Not mere semantics, it may be everything for what the future ultimately looks like. Yet, the only one ever talked about is the first, as if a foregone conclusion. Why?We’re conditioned to believe in only one or the other, recession still contracting or otherwise total recovery, on top [...]

Inflation Hysteria #2 (WTI)

By |2020-12-09T17:20:13-05:00December 9th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

Sticking with our recent theme, a big part of what Inflation Hysteria #1 (2017-18) also had going for it was loosened restrictions for US oil producers. Seriously. Legacy of the 1970’s experience depending too much on OPEC, subject to embargoes, American oil companies had been prohibited for decades from exporting oil. Not that it would have mattered before 2014, the [...]

Vaccines and Senate Subsidies, Ls and Ks

By |2020-12-02T19:15:41-05:00December 2nd, 2020|Commodities, Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

In a sense, it’s being priced like a game of chicken. On the one side, there’s been vaccine-aphoria now combined with this week’s subsidy-mania driving narratives more than markets. Really not all that much higher in prices, certainly not anywhere in the neighborhood of the red-hot temperature of the rhetoric being used to describe these two particular developments. Oil’s up [...]

The Established Slowdown of Today vs. At Least Tomorrow’s Vaccine Is Not The Same ‘Stimulus’

By |2020-11-25T18:25:43-05:00November 25th, 2020|Currencies, Economy, Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy, Markets|

The oil market has caught a mild case of the raging disease. Not COVID, rather the purported cure for it. Vaccine-phoria has visited the energy sector and propelled oil prices upward while pulling less contango in the futures curve, awakening this commodity market from its post-August doldrums. It had been that detour in WTI which began to suggest this summer [...]

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